The Claire Approach™ has exciting and new changes to share with you very soon

Watch this space!

With warmth, as always, Claire -Founder x

"As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen."


Remote Counselling

Lockdown has taught us many valuable lessons. Flexible and remote working to suit our client's needs will remain.

Telephone Counselling

A vast majority of us use our mobile telephones every day. Therapy over the telephone is effective and safe. Empathy and a trusting relationship are still yours without meeting face to face.

Online Video Counselling

For some people, seeing their counsellor's face during therapy is important. Zoom, which is free to download, has always been an excellent and secure platform; before COVID-19. 

Instant Messaging Counselling

If you find it difficult to talk over the telephone or don't fancy the idea of online video counselling then we can use instant messaging for your session using WhatsApp, also free to download.

Claire Douthwaite Registered MBACP BSc (Hons) FdA CertHE

Office 2, Bessemer Suite, Ironworks House, Warton Road, Carnforth LA5 9EX

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